Each website that I build is unique–a custom product constructed to represent the vision of the client.

Montague Lord International

Click on the image to visit the live site.

Montague Lord International

Montague Lord is an economist with over 40 years of experience in applied economics. Following 20 years in a multilateral development bank, he is currently undertaking consulting assignments throughout the world.

Coby Wheel

Click on the image to visit the live site.

Coby Wheel

Coby Wheel specializes in leather and Alcantara fabric steering wheel restorations as well as shift boots, shift knobs, emergency brake boots and arm rests for BMW vehicles.


Click on the image to visit the live site.


Torchtec manufactures guides for oxyacetylene and plasma cutting torches and aftermarket replacement hinge pins for Kenworth truck hoods. The site includes embedded YouTube videos and shopping cart software.


Click on the image to visit the live site.

Genetic System Search for Technical Analysis

The Genetic System Search for Technical Analysis Website offers software that uses the Darwinian mechanism of evolution to produce technical analysis trading systems.

Security Genetics

Click on the image to visit the live site.

Security Genetics

Here's the website of a company that offers evolutionary computation software which enables computers to find answers in the same way that nature adapts living species.

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