Simplify the Creation and Maintenance of a Website

Through the use of a Content Management System (CMS) non-technical users can maintain a website. Content Management Systems use a browser-based interface to create and manage the content of web pages.

The Elements of a Web Page

At their core all web pages are written in the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). Often Cascading Styles Sheets (CSS) are employed to control the fonts, colors, layout and other presentational elements of the page. In order to ease the task of editing, designers break the pages into modules managed by PHP code.

If none of these terms are familiar to you, don't worry. The use of these tools can be complicated but you don't need to know HTML, CSS and PHP code to construct and maintain a website. A Content Management System provides a friendly interface and manipulates the underlying software for you.


The files controlling the structure and look of your website are packaged into a template. Thousands of templates are available but if none of them matches your vision of a website, I'll create a custom structure for your site.

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